As posted previously, Japan Patent Office (JPO) will launch the new patent publication system. The deteials are discussed as below. Please see the post below, if you have interest on this matter. I will focus on the impact on Japan Patent Information Platform "J-PlatPat" in this post.
For you information, Japan Patent Information Platform "J-PlatPat" officialy provide IP-related information as below.
Today, JPO has announced the impact on Japan Patent Information Platform "J-PlatPat" as below.
(1) Timing of providing gazette information on J-PlatPat
After the renewal of the gazette system, gazettes will be issued daily instead of weekly, and the system will reflect the results in J-PlatPat in the evening (Japan time) on the day the gazette is issued.
(2) File format for providing gazette information on J-PlatPat
Previously, users was able to download gazettes in PDF format through J-PlatPat. After the renewal of the gazette system, the official format will be changed to XML, but J-PlatPat will continue to provide them in PDF format.
If users want to get gazette information in PDF format, they will be able to get them from J-PlatPat even after the renewal.
(3) Abolition of "再公表特許 (Saikouhyou Tokkyo; Re-Publication Patents)"
As previously mentioned, with the abolition of "再公表特許 (Saikouhyou Tokkyo; Re-Publication Patents)", it will no longer be possible to get hits on PCT applications in Japanese that have been entered into Japan using the traditional method via J-PlatPat. For more information on how to handle this, JPO said, "Due to the discontinuation of "再公表特許 (Saikouhyou Tokkyo; Re-Publication Patents)", there are some operations that require attention when performing inquiries and searches on J-PlatPat. Details will be announced on the JPO website as soon as possible." It seems that JPO will be providing some tips to handle this matter in the future.
It seems that we will have to wait for further information on this matter.