"第21期文化審議会著作権分科会法制度小委員会" has been convened and the following matters are being discussed based on the "Intellectual Property Promotion Plan 2021 (知的財産推進計画2021)" and other government policies.
Main disucssion agenda of "第21期文化審議会著作権分科会法制度小委員会" is below.
1) Copyright system to adapt Digital Transforamtaion (DX)
-Conssidering the appropriate copyright system to adapt Digital Transforamtaion (DX)
2) Protect the status of exclusive licensees
-Granting the right to demand an injunction (差止請求権) and the requirement to duly assert against third parties (第三者対抗要件) for exclusive licensees
3)Establishment and review of provisions for restriction of rights
-Establishment of rights restriction provisions for research purposes
-Review of existing provisions on limitation of rights, including provisions on limitation of rights related to court proceedings
The second meeting of the Subcommittee was held on December 8, and it seems that the implemetation of the injuction (差止請求権) or the requirement to duly assert against third parties (第三者対抗要件) for exclusive licensees were disucssed.
In the digital age, copyright will become one of the most important intellectual property rights. Open innovation and other forms of collaboration are expected to advance, and licensing is also expected to become more active, so it is important to monitor this copyright revision acitivities in Japan as well.
Here is the Japanese version on this post.