気になった特許の話題 -Patent Topics Explorer-

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Japan: Multi-Multi-Claim Restrictions will be implemented in Japan

In Japan, Multi-Multi-Claim Restrictions will be implemented according to the discussion in METI Councils. Some reasons are raised such as (1) international harmonization, as major countries such as the U.S. and China have restrictions on multi-multiple claims, and (2) the burden on examination in JPO or third parties monitoring due to the exponential increase in the number of claims by multi-mulit claims. In Exhibit 1, the discussion topics include whether to allow exceptions to use multi-multi claims, but the conclusion is that no exceptions will be allowed.


Based on this conclusion, the ministerial ordinance restricting multi-multiple claims will be revised in the future, and the "Patent and Utility Model Examination Handbook" will be revised. If you want to use multi-multiple claims in Japan, you may need to take action as soon as possible.

