そんな中、非常に長い混迷の時期を抜け、やっと立ち上げの目途が立ちつつある欧州統一特許裁判所と欧州単一特許。注目も挙がる中、欧州特許庁が欧州統一特許裁判所と欧州単一特許のオンラインセミナーを行うようです。時間割をみると特に冒頭の1時間ほどでUnitary patent packageの話をするようですね。
Starts: 09.02.2022
Ends: 09.02.2022Location
Virtual classroom, online
Organized by
Working languages
This study visit will provide participants hands-on experience of the EPO and insight into the work of EPO. It will also allow participants to gain a deeper understanding of the future unitary patent system, its creation and entry into force.
It will give participants insights into the work of EPO experts from different technical fields, with a view to gaining a deeper understanding of the European patent system. It will focus on the latest developments in patenting, as well as specific aspects of patenting in two areas of technology: green technology and smart agriculture. Participants will also find out more about the work of EPO examiners and lawyers, in a live online session, will have the opportunity to put questions to examiners and other EPO experts.
Level of expertise
Venue details
Online study visit. Registration to be announced.
European Patent Office
European Patent Academy
Bob-van-Benthem-Platz 1
80469 Munich
Max. number of participants
Registration deadline
Moderator: Giovanna Oddo, programme area manager Academia, European Patent Academy, EPO
09.30 Welcome
Giovanna Oddo, programme area manager Academia, European Patent Academy, EPO
09.40 Unitary patent package
Pierre Treichel, lawyer, EPO
10.30 Q&A
10.40 Setting the scene: patents in progress – navigating the patent landscape
Dominika Baráč, examiner, EPO
Christian Soltmann, product manager, Patent Knowledge, EPO
11.00 Q&A
11.10 Break
11.30 Green technologies
Victor Veefkind, examiner, EPO
11.50 Q&A
12.00 Smart agriculture
Ricardo Oltra García, examiner and team manager, EPO
12.20 Q&A
12.30 Work of EPO patent examiner and lawyer : ask your questions to our experts
Pierre Treichel, lawyer and head of department, EPO
Victor Veefkind, examiner, EPO
Ricardo Oltra García, examiner and team manager, EPO
13.00 The interface of technology and art: the EPO collection
Kristine Schönert, Cultural affairs, EPO
13.15 End