気になった特許の話題 -Patent Topics Explorer-

気になった特許等の知的財産の話題やニュースをピックアップしていくブログです! This blog is picking up intriguing IP topics including patents, trade secrets etc. !



ブラジル: 特許期間調整制度のウェビナー












医薬品などの特許の延長期間が失効、ブラジル最高裁が判断(ブラジル) | ビジネス短信 - ジェトロ






Trending topic in Brazil: Discussion on the possibility of Patent Term Adjustment (PTA) in view of the delay of the BPTO (Brazilian Patent Office)

ウェビナー登録 - Zoom


Trending topic in Brazil: Discussion on the possibility of Patent Term Adjustment (PTA) in view of the delay of the BPTO (Brazilian Patent Office)
In celebration of World Intellectual Property Day, Dannemann Siemsen promotes a webinar on a hot topic in Brazil which is the ongoing debate on the possibility of PTA (Patent Term Adjustment) in view of the delay of the BPTO (Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office) in examining patent applications.

The topic surfaced after the Supreme Court revoked the right for applicants to have an automatic 10-year-term from grant. Patentees are already seeking the PTA before the Brazilian courts.

To discuss this important topic, we invited some experts to an exclusive online event.

2022年4月26日 12:00 PM サンパウロ


Trending topic in Brazil: Discussion on the possibility of Patent Term Adjustment (PTA) in view of the delay of the BPTO (Brazilian Patent Office)





出願人のためのブラジル特許制度 [ 青和特許法律事務所 ]
価格:3300円(税込、送料無料) (2022/4/29時点)
