気になった特許の話題 -Patent Topics Explorer-

気になった特許等の知的財産の話題やニュースをピックアップしていくブログです! This blog is picking up intriguing IP topics including patents, trade secrets etc. !



米国: 米国特許庁が101条の発明適格性についての報告書をついに公開











  • There was general agreement that the law on patent eligibility should be clear, predictable, and consistently.





  • Those in support of the current state of the law on eligibility argued many points, including that it allows businesses to avoid abusive and costly litigation involving overly broad patents; promotes greater innovation and knowledge sharing; and enhances access to scientific information and innovative medicines. Representatives from emerging fields, such as AI and quantum computing, noted that their investments have trended upward since the Supreme Court decisions.





  • Those critical of the current state of the law contended that the law makes patents less available and enforcement of those rights less predictable, inhibiting investment in new technologies and companies, particularly by startups and small- and medium-sized enterprises. Many commenters also pointed out that, in their view, the current state of the law undermines innovation by decreasing the availability of private risk capital, thus concentrating markets in the hands of a few large, well-resourced incumbents.





  • Some businesses, especially in the fields of diagnostics and precision medicine, indicated that they are no longer seeking patent protection and are instead turning to other forms of IP protection, such as trade secrets, at the cost of decreased disclosure of new technological information.







• National Artificial Intelligence Initiative
• Patent Eligibility Jurisprudence Report
• Panel 1: Subject Matter Eligibility and the Impact on AI/ET Innovation
• USPTO AI Dataset & Trends
• Panel 2: Inventorship and the Advent of Machine-Generate Inventions
• Panel 3: Disclosure and AI/ET Inventions


AI and Emerging Technologies Partnership Inaugural Stakeholder Meeting Tickets, Wed, Jun 29, 2022 at 1:00 PM | Eventbrite