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米国: 【急務】他の行政機関に提出した文章等も米国特許庁への開示義務の対象になりうると見解がでる


先日ELSA Speakの特許分析を投稿しましたが↓、










今回、下記にあるように米国特許庁への開示と矛盾する他の政府機関(例えば、FDA)への陳述の開示等も開示義務の対象になるとする通知を出したそうです(This notice is intended to clarify the duties, including as to materials or statements material to patentability or statements made to the USPTO that are inconsistent with statements submitted to the FDA and other governmental agencies.)。


Duties of Disclosure and Reasonable Inquiry During Examination, Reexamination, and Reissue, and for Proceedings Before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board





20210909 Letter to PTO on FDA submissions.pdf (senate.gov)





Unfortunately, it has come to our attention that some patent applicants may, in certain circumstances, make significantly different statements in submissions to other federal agencies that conflict directly with those made at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO). We seek to understand the circumstances around such statements, as such a practice could undermine both  patent quality and competition. 

20210909 Letter to PTO on FDA submissions.pdf (senate.gov)




The Notice specifies that this duty to correct the record applies during active prosecution of a patent application and after a patent has issued. In the latter situation, a patent owner has the option of using supplemental examination, ex parte reexamination, reissue applications, or submissions under 37 CFR 1.501.

The USPTO’s Increasing Focus on FDA Submissions and the Duty of Disclosure | Publications | Goodwin (goodwinlaw.com)




例えば、米国では低分子のジェネリック品が承認申請するとき、先発メーカーの特許が存在する場合、非侵害・無効といった宣言を提出する場合があります(notice of a paragraph IV certification)。これは先発メーカーにも通知されます。


下記にあるように、notice of a paragraph IV certificationを受領した先発メーカーは、「USPTOに係属中の特許出願、再審査手続き、PTABに係属中の手続きにおける問題など、USPTOに係属中の案件の特許性にとって重要であるかどうかを判断する必要がある。」そうです。


Consequently, to assist USPTO staff in evaluating patentability effectively and efficiently, the party receiving a paragraph IV certification should review such documents to determine whether they are material to the patentability of any pending matters before the USPTO, such as pending patent applications, reexamination proceedings, or issues in proceedings pending before the PTAB. If the content of the detailed statement, or other information that is part of the ANDA process, is deemed material to patentability in a pending USPTO matter, then such information must be submitted to the USPTO during the pendency of the matter, to meet the duties of candor and good faith and disclosure under 37 CFR 1.56, 1.555, 42.11(a) or (c), or 11.18(b)(2).

Federal Register :: Duties of Disclosure and Reasonable Inquiry During Examination, Reexamination, and Reissue, and for Proceedings Before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board