気になった特許の話題 -Patent Topics Explorer-

気になった特許等の知的財産の話題やニュースをピックアップしていくブログです! This blog is picking up intriguing IP topics including patents, trade secrets etc. !










欧州特許庁 単一特許保護に関する規則

[解説:規則 18-翻訳文の公表]
1. 規則(EU)No.1260/2012 の適用日から開始する最大 12 年の移行期間中,単一効力を求める請求は当該規則第 6 条に従って明細書の翻訳文と共に提出されなければならない。








欧州特許庁 単一特許保護に関する規則

[解説:規則 18-翻訳文の公表]
2. 規則(EU)No.1257/2012 第 9 条に従って,規則(EU)No.1260/2012 第 6 条(2)に基づき,参加加盟国は,EPC 第 143 条の意味内で,単一効力の請求が提出された日後できる限り速やかに(1)にいう翻訳文公表の業務を EPO に与える。当該翻訳文は如何なる法的価値も有せず,単に情報目的のみである。



ところがEUの規則をみると(下記の英語の規則です)、そのような翻訳は機械翻訳(automated means)で行われるべきでないという文言があったりもします。



(12) During the transitional period, before a system of high quality machine translations into all official languages of the Union becomes available, a request for unitary effect as referred to in Article 9 of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2012 should be accompanied by a full translation of the specification of the patent into English where the language of the proceedings before the EPO is French or German, or into any official language of the Member States that is an official language of the Union where the language of the proceedings before the EPO is English. Those arrangements would ensure that during a transitional period all European patents with unitary effect are made available in English which is the language customarily used in the field of international technological research and publications. Furthermore, such arrangements would ensure that with respect to European patents with unitary effect, translations would be published in other official languages of the participating Member States. Such translations should not be carried out by automated means and their high quality should contribute to the training of translation engines by the EPO. They would also enhance the dissemination of patent information.


