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欧州: 欧州統一特許裁判所と欧州単一特許 -準備期間開始と、sunrise period & requests for unitary effectへの備え-

欧州は現在特許制度が各国バラバラで、特許の権利化までは欧州特許条約(EPC)という枠組みができましたが、権利行使は各国で行う状況となっています。欧州にはEUという経済圏がありますが、特許の面ではなかなかそのメリットが生かせない原因の一つとなっています。そこで、EU内で単一の効力をもつ特許権(欧州単一特許(Unitary Patent))や、国を超えてEU内で統一して特許の審理判断の管轄を有する裁判所(欧州統一特許裁判所(Unified Patent Court))の設立が進められ来ました。枠組み自体はできあがりましたが、紆余曲折ありなかなか発効されない状態が続いてきました。








こちらにより、EPOよりUPCAのprovisional applicationが開始することがアナウンスされました。




Provisional applicationとは、欧州統一特許裁判所の準備作業を完了する期間で、6-10か月(most likelyで8か月)が見込まれているそうです。さらにドイツが条約を寄託することで欧州統一特許裁判所が正式に効力を発揮するそうです。また、ドイツの条約寄託により、移行期間中の欧州統一特許裁判所か国内裁判所かの選択が可能な”Sunrise Period”の時間軸も動き出しますので、再度どの特許をopt-outするのかの仕分けがいるかもしれません。


What is the UPC Provisional Application Period?

The UPC Provisional Application Period allows for completion of preparatory work establishing the UPC, including stress testing of the electronic case management system and the appointment of judges. The provisional application period is expected to last from six to ten months, most likely eight months.

When will the UPC system come into force?

With the provisional application period in effect, Germany can deposit its ratification of the UPC Agreement. Once German ratification is deposited, the new court will commence on the first day of the fourth month after the month in which that deposit occurs. Germany will not trigger this timetable until all preparatory work is complete.

Consequently, the UPC and UP system could come into force between mid 2022 and early 2023.

Sunrise period

Ratification by Germany will also determine the beginning of the “sunrise period” – a three-month window before the UPC becomes fully operational when patent owners are able to file “opt-outs” for existing European patents validated in one or more countries taking part in the UPC. The list of countries is available here: http://dycip.com/upc-countries.

Opting out in the sunrise period is important for patent owners wanting to avoid the jurisdiction of the UPC. If an opt-out is not validly registered in the sunrise period and an action started in the UPC when it becomes fully operational, it is not possible to then “opt out”.

D Young & Co | UPC Provisional Application Period (PAP) commences


一方、欧州単一特許についても欧州特許庁からアナウンスがありましたが、ドイツの条約寄託の日から"early requests for unitary effect"が可能となるようです。"Early requests for unitary effect may only be filed for European patent applications in respect of which a communication under Rule 71(3) EPC has been despatched."とありますので、71(3)の通知が来たものからunitary effectの請求ができるそうです。




また上記のearly requests for unitary effectをしても、欧州特許の付与を遅らせる効果はないとのことです。ドイツの条約寄託からUPCA発効までの期間で、欧州特許の付与を遅らせる場合は、別途そちらの申請もいるようです。


It is important to note that unitary effect may only be registered by the EPO for any European patent granted on or after the date of application of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2012.[ 6 ] It should also be noted that the filing of an early request for unitary effect does not imply that the EPO will delay issuing the decision to grant a European patent, which can only occur upon explicit request. For further details concerning the possibility of requesting a delay in issuing the decision to grant a European patent in response to a communication under Rule 71(3) EPC, please see the Decision of the President of the European Patent Office dated 22 December 2021 as well as the corresponding EPO Notice.[ 7 ]


また、欧州特許の付与を遅らせればUnitary Effectは別途申請することで登録時にかけることはできるようです。



In order to obtain a Unitary Patent, a separate request for unitary effect must be filed with the EPO. Detailed information on how to obtain a Unitary Patent can be found in the Unitary Patent Guide available on the EPO website.

A validly filed request for delay will ensure that the European patent is granted on or after the date of application of Regulation (EU) No 1257/2012. The granted European patent will then be eligible for registration as a Unitary Patent.







統一特許裁判所(UPC)協定の暫定適用が開始、UPC設立に向けて大きく前進(EU) | ビジネス短信 - ジェトロ