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米国: 2022年注目の係属中の最高裁事件の記事



2022 Intellectual Property Primer: Supreme Court Preview: Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP



①American Axle & Manufacturing Inc. v. Neapco Holdings LLC

プロペラシャフトの製造法という構造物の製造法に対して101条の特許適格性違反が問題になった事件です。現在最高裁がSolicitor Generalと意見を求めているところです。


争点となったクレームは、米国特許7,774,911クレーム1と22です。101条の特許適格性はデジタル系であったり、バイオ系で問題となることが多いといわれていたところ、機械系でもまさかの適用があり衝撃があった事件でもあります。こちらの最高裁の行方は興味深いですが、最高裁は101条の特許適格性に関する上告を悉くrejectしているので、なかなかハードルが高いかもしれません。実際に今年に入って、②Whitserve v. Dropboxも上告がrejectされました。


1.  A method for manufacturing a shaft assembly of a driveline system, the driveline system
further including a first driveline component and a second driveline component, the shaft
assembly being adapted to transmit torque between the first driveline component and the
second driveline component, the method comprising:

providing a hollow shaft member;

tuning at least one liner to attenuate at least two types of vibration transmitted through the
haft member; and

positioning the at least one liner within the shaft member such that the at least one liner is
configured to damp shell mode vibrations in the shaft member by an amount that is greater
than or equal to about 2%, and the at least one liner is also configured to damp bending
mode vibrations in the shaft member, the at least one liner being tuned to within about
±20% of a bending mode natural frequency of the shaft assembly as installed in the
driveline system.


22.  A method for manufacturing a shaft assembly of a driveline system, the driveline system further including a first driveline component and a second driveline component, the shaft assembly being adapted to transmit torque between the first driveline component and the second driveline component, the method comprising:

providing a hollow shaft member;

tuning a mass and a stiffness of at least one liner, and

inserting the at least one liner into the shaft member;

wherein the at least one liner is a tuned resistive absorber for attenuating shell mode
vibrations and wherein the at least one liner is a tuned reactive absorber for attenuating
bending mode vibrations.



②Whitserve v. Dropbox

"Evidence Consideration in Motions to Dismiss on Patent Eligibility Grounds"が主な争点とのことですが、1月10日に上告が棄却されています。

Order List (1/10/2022) (supremecourt.gov)


③Yu v. Apple




Amgen v. Sanofi





ミクスOnline (2020年5月8日)



(3)Kessler Principleの適用

PersonalWeb Technologies, LLC v. Patreon Inc.

先の判決で非侵害と認定された製品はその後の侵害訴訟でも非侵害と認定されること(Kessler Principle)の適用が争点となっている事件のようです。