気になった特許の話題 -Patent Topics Explorer-

気になった特許等の知的財産の話題やニュースをピックアップしていくブログです! This blog is picking up intriguing IP topics including patents, trade secrets etc. !



欧州: 欧州特許庁審判部のアニュアルレポート2021




Despite the continued impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Boards of Appeal settled 2938 cases with action, which represents a productivity increase of 11.1% over 2020. The number of pending cases was reduced by 13.9% to 7131 cases.










With a view to reducing the backlog, the objective is to settle 90% of cases within 30 months of receipt and to reduce the number of pending cases to below 7 000 by 2023. The measures taken to achieve this objective are:
– increasing BoA productivity by 32% between 1 January 2017 and 31 December 2020
– allocating additional resources for a limited period of time.













Since 2021 saw a significant decrease in overall stock and as mainly older cases were postponed, a significant improvement in the timeliness figure has not been achieved.









As at 31 December 2021, 2 579 backlog cases were pending, which is 15.2% fewer than at 31 December 2020. As the backlog consists of pending cases that are not settled within 30 months, the significant drop in the number of appeal cases received in 2020 has not yet had an impact on the total backlog. Appeals filed in 2020 will start reaching backlog status during 2022. As a result, a more significant drop in the number of backlog cases is expected in 2022/2023.



