気になった特許の話題 -Patent Topics Explorer-

気になった特許等の知的財産の話題やニュースをピックアップしていくブログです! This blog is picking up intriguing IP topics including patents, trade secrets etc. !



欧州: グレースピリオドについての評価を再度始める



"A randomly selected group of applicants for European patents are being surveyed this winter on the novelty requirement under the European Patent Convention (EPC) and the lack of a so-called "grace period" in the European patent system. The survey, which will explore the impact of the strict novelty requirement on the filing and business practices of EPO applicants, will be complemented by a consultation of user and stakeholder associations. The resulting feedback, which will be analysed by the EPO and published in a study in the spring of 2022, will provide important input for evidence-based discussions. "






