気になった特許の話題 -Patent Topics Explorer-

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欧州: 欧州委員会もSEPに関する意見募集を開始! 今年はSEP関係が色々動きそうな予感...?





欧州委員会では、unitary SPC、強制実施権、標準必須特許(SEP)がIP activityの三本柱になっていますが、SEPのライセンスの枠組みに関する意見募集が開始されました。期限は5月9日のようです。




Policy options
The initiative will build upon the three policy pillars listed below. The policy options the Commission presents will be  based on a different level of ambition for each of those pillars, and should also be supported by the appropriate legislative and non-legislative instruments.

1. Enhancing transparency on SEPs, for example by: (i) requiring the disclosure and update of certain information to improve publicly available information; and (ii) introducing a system for independent third-party assessments of essentiality under the management and control of an independent body.

2. 1. Providing clarity on various aspects of FRAND by developing guiding principles and/or processes for (i) clarifying the concept of FRAND; (ii) negotiating FRAND terms and conditions; and (iii) determining appropriate level(s) of licensing in a value chain.

3. Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of enforcement, for example by incentivising mediation, conciliation and/or arbitration.


また下記の記載からも今回のEUの法制または非法制の内容は、Unitary Patentにも適用されることが意図されているんですかね。こちらもUnitary Patentを目指すか否かのポイントになりそうですね。


The entry into force of the unitary patent also requires an initiative at EU level, as initiatives at national level will not apply to unitary patents. 


Intellectual property – new framework for standard-essential patents
